Neck Lift

Restoring a youthful appearance

Candidates for a neck lift have an excess of skin and sometimes fat around the neck with blunting of the cervicomental angle. This happens as we age or in cases of significant weight loss.

Those patients desiring a neck lift should be in good health and need to understand that while the procedure will result in a more youthful appearance of the neck, effects will vary with each patient and it is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.

Before & After Photos

Neck Lift Procedure

The incision locations will be around the ears and under the chin. This allows the ability to remove excess skin and access to the platysma muscle which is brought back to the midline.

In some cases fat above or below the platysma muscle is removed during the procedure to help improve the neck contour.

The procedure may take 2-4 hours depending on the complexity of your operation and general anesthesia will be required. Drains are placed at the time of surgery to help avoid fluid collections.

What to expect during your recovery

Swelling and bruising may last for 2-3 weeks after the operation but this varies with each patient. A sensation of tightness and numbness/tingling may be present. We generally ask patients to avoid exercise or strenuous activity for 4 weeks after surgery to minimize complications. Drain removal is usually performed within 1 week of surgery as is suture removal if required.

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Payment & Financing

Insurance does not pay for surgeries considered purely cosmetic. All cosmetic surgeries must be paid for in full 7 days before surgery.

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Financing Options

Prosper Healthcare Lending – call 1-800-625-7412 ext. 2
Care Credit – call 1-800-677-0718

Together we can reveal your ideal you. If you feel like you would benefit from a neck lift procedure, please make an appointment today.