Back Lift

Excessive Back Tissue

A back lift restores a youthful contour to your back and the sides of your chest. Most candidates have excessive skin and fat in the bra line region as a result of significant weight loss or the effects of aging. This excess tissue may hang over or under the bra or bathing suit straps and is a concern for some patients.

Preparing for your back lift

The back lift procedure requires an incision across your back, with an attempt to keep it within your bra line. Excess skin and fat is removed and the remaining skin pulled together to restore a more youthful appearance.

A back lift is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia at Auburn Surgery Center.

Making sure you take the time to heal

Recovery time will vary with each patient but most patients feel ready to return to non-strenuous work within 1 week after surgery. You should avoid exercise or submerging your incision until we instruct you otherwise. You should avoid lifting more than 5-10 pounds for 3-4 weeks after surgery.

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Payment & Financing

Insurance does not pay for surgeries considered purely cosmetic. All cosmetic surgeries must be paid for in full 7 days BEFORE surgery.

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Financing Options

Prosper Healthcare Lending – call 1-800-625-7412 ext. 2
Care Credit – call 1-800-677-0718

If you feel like you would benefit from a back lift procedure, please give us a call today.