Face Lift

Restoring a more youthful look

Candidates for a facelift are individuals who have begun to show the outward signs of aging, particularly in the lower cheeks and jawline. This usually falls within the 40’s to 70’s age range.

Patients who intend on receiving a facelift should be healthy and know that while a more youthful appearance is the desired result, the effects of a facelift vary and will not totally erase the effects of age. The procedure primarily addresses skin laxity at the cheeks and jawline.

Before & After Photos

Facelift (Rhytidectomy) Procedure

The incision locations may vary slightly from patient to patient but in general will run from the hair on your temple, in front of your ear, and continue behind the ear. Drains are usually placed to help remove fluid the develops after surgery.

The time needed to complete the facelift will be unique to each patient, but may require from 2-6 hours to complete successfully. After the operation we will instruct you on how to care for your sutures and the surrounding area.

What to expect during your recovery

It is common for bruising and swelling to last for 2-3 weeks post-operatively, however recovery varies from patient to patient. Pain or soreness should abate within the first week after surgery.

We will schedule several checkups to ensure an effective recovery during this time. Suture removal occurs within 1 week of surgery, as does drain removal in most circumstances.

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Payment & Financing

Insurance does not pay for surgeries considered purely cosmetic. All cosmetic surgeries must be paid for in full 7 days before surgery.

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Financing Options

Prosper Healthcare Lending – call 1-800-625-7412 ext. 2
Care Credit – call 1-800-677-0718

Together we can reveal your ideal you. If you feel like you would benefit from a face lift procedure, please make an appointment today.